@extends('user.layouts.master') @section('home-active', 'active') @section('content')
{{-- @csrf --}}

Welcome To Legitcheckr

The only online archive specifically designed to track untrustworthy sellers


Working Process


How It Works

Users submit reports of scammers to our team by sharing their story and providing as much information as possible.


Create An Account

--}} {{--

@if (!empty($work)) {{ $work->step1 }} @endif


Our admins then reviews the submission for authenticity and will either approve or deny the report based on the facts provided.


Create An Account

--}} {{--

@if (!empty($work)) {{ $work->step1 }} @endif


If a report is approved, the scammer’s information will then be recorded in our database based on the contents of the report.


Create An Account

--}} {{--

@if (!empty($work)) {{ $work->step1 }} @endif


Before making any transactions, buyers can then do a quick search to see if the seller had been reported as a scammer.


Create An Account

--}} {{--

@if (!empty($work)) {{ $work->step1 }} @endif


Recent Reports

@if (!empty($togg->status == 'on'))

Report Counter

{{ $report_count }}
@endif {{--

--}} {{-- @if (!Auth::guard('user')->check())

Want to Become a Trusted Seller?

We'll help you to grow your career and growth.
SignUp Today
@endif --}} @endsection